Is spring on the way?

Just 5 days ago we were in the grip of winter. We’d had a significant amount of snow and the temperatures were down in the single digits. The timing was good; the roads were bad during times I had plenty of food in the house and no need to get out. I put off shoveling the driveway.

The sun came out but was very cold. We managed to get out down the driveway but decided we would have to shovel since it was not going get warm enough to melt anytime soon. I was surprised that the snow was light and managed to shovel the driveway in one long session….with some soreness immediately afterward that was gone by the next morning (all that bouncing while working on the computer does keep my back muscles in shape!).

And now 5 days later - the snow in the sunny places of the yard has melted leaving it very soggy. The piles along the driveway from the shoveling over the past month will be the last to melt….although we have gotten snows in April in some previous years!

The maples buds are very red and I can see the enlarged buds on the cherry and oak….so the trees are readying for spring. The robins have been searching the soggy lawn for worms that are probably near the surface to avoid drowning. So - there are signs that spring is on the way...I’ll be optimistic and plan as if there is no more winter!