Chincoteague Herons

The Great Blue Herons at Chincoteague seemed to be everywhere and were concentrating so hard on fishing that they stayed put for photographs.  I took over 100 pictures and have selected 9 for this post.

This bird was standing on one leg on the shore. It was a very chilly afternoon and his neck feathers appear to be slightly fluffed to keep him warm.

A very determined bird walked along the bank - intent on finding dinner.

A very cold looking bird standing in shallow water. He moved his head a little (the better to see us) but otherwise did not move at all.

Another actively hunting bird but in a tangled mess of branches

Using those branches to survey the possibilities for dinner

Perhaps mistaking his reflection for something edible.

A bird on the move.

A bird hiding

And emerging.

The look in the herons’ eye make it is easy to imagine the relationship of birds and dinosaurs!  

Loupe Photography at Longwood

The trip to Longwood Gardens earlier this month was the first time I had been there since beginning my experiment with loupe photography. I didn’t use it all that often this time but I did enjoy the result. As usual I was pleasantly surprised at how much the 8x magnification increases the detail of objects - in this case parts of flowers. I picked my favorites to include below.







Here are the 25 other blog posts I’ve done with photographs from Longwood Gardens over the past few years.