Oak - April 2014

I am taking a much closer look at the oak in our front yard this spring using my camera and the 8x loupe. Over the past week or so the buds have come open. The first image is from the 19th. The bud is large but still generally bud shaped.

By the 24th, tiny leaves were in evidence and the beginning of the flowers and catkins were showing.


On the 26th, I was surprised at how different the tiny leaves still looked from their final form. They do not look like tiny forms of the mature oak leaf; there is still a lot of unfurling left to reach the mature shape.

On the 28th the catkins had a rosy color and the leaves had gown a bit more too.

And then the rains came and I won’t be able to take more pictures until May….so I’ll continue this closer look at the oak in a post next month.