In the Mood for Classes Again

This time of year I always am looking forward to classes starting again. It’s been a lot of years since I finished my formal schooling but I’m still in the annual rhythm that was established when I was in school then reinforced by my daughter’s school years (and she is still in graduate school).

Coursera lets me indulge….and it’s even better for my needs that a tradition class because it is

  • Free
  • The material can be viewed any time and any place that is convenient - as long as reasonably good internet connectivity is available.

The only challenge for me is - I am interested in so many of the offerings that it is hard to choose. I’ve decided I can handle 4 but will have to be very organized to keep up during any travel weeks during the courses. The courses that I have selected that start over the course of the next month are:

  • A Brief History of Humankind from Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Animal Behavior from University of Melbourne
  • New Models of Business in Society from University of Virginia
  • A History of the World since 1300 from Princeton University 

I’m always impressed with the number of partner organizations (mostly universities but some museums are showing up now as well). The quality of the courses is generally quite good. There may come a time when I want to experience an old fashioned class with the teacher and students all in the same place at the same time- but, until then, I am thoroughly enjoying Coursera!

Gleanings of the Week Ending June 22, 2013

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

If bees go extinct, this is what your supermarket will look like - Lots of fruits and veggies would go away too.

Take a Virtual Tour Of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park - Time lapse sunrise…lava flows…ocean...steam.

Photos Of NYC's Subway Project - Lots of tunneling through rock.

Most Solar-Friendly States — 2013 State Solar Policy Rankings - Maryland is near the top! Arkansas and Oklahoma are at the bottom.

Breastfeeding Boosts Babies’ Brain Growth - Yet another reason babies should be breastfed.

Life in the Potholes of Canyonlands National Park - A short video about the small creatures that live their lives after rain fills the rock basins.

As Data Floods In, Massive Open Online Courses Evolve - I have enjoyed the Coursera offerings. My use of online classes is evolving too! I no longer feel compelled to do every aspect of the course; I am free to do just do the parts that meet the objectives I have for myself.

Beautifully Exotic Looking Species of Moths from Ottawa - There are some surprises in this photographic series. Which one do you like best? The white one (5th one from the top) is my favorite.

Roman Seawater Concrete Holds the Secret to Cutting Carbon Emissions - Making cement with less lime and requiring much less heat

Don’t Take Your Vitamins - An thought provoking opinion piece - particularly if you are assuming that more is better when it comes to vitamin supplements.