The Joys of New Paint - Part II

It’s done! I posted mid-way through the project last week (here). After I posted, the crew put in a 12 hour day since rain was in the forecast for the rest of the week. The forecast was right! Two days of rain prolonged the job but as soon as the skies cleared and the deck dried, the crew re-appeared. The last of the repairs, painting, and staining was finished in about 4 hours. About three hours later, the rain started again.

Here is a before and after of a window repair. The house is as close as it can get to looking like new.

The big surprise of this exterior painting experience was the deck. It’s about 20 years old and the wood is showing a few ravages of time; in some places the grain is ridges because of previous power washings. This crew used a gentler wash and then brushed on stain. Wow! I find myself drawn to have breakfast on the deck among my plants every morning (when it is still cool and shady).

Since then we have been thoroughly cleaning screens and putting them back in the windows. The hardware store will replace the screen material in 4 screens (that had developed significant holes in the past few years). The new address plaque needs numbers and then installation beside the door. We likely won’t be as fast as the painters in getting our chores complete!

Today - I am celebrating the newly painted house that is home.