Thinking of Hyacinths

I noticed that the hyacinths are already peeking through the leaves caught in the flower beds and I am anticipating that they will start blooming before winter is gone just as they did last year when this picture was taken on February 11th. The hyacinths are sturdy, waxy flowers that can withstand the cold and snow. The pale colors - pink, and purple and white - on a spire coming up from green leaves that circle around to frame the flower from the brown of winter still dominate for a little longer. They, along with crocus, are the first flowers in my garden.

I like them for being early but even more for their smell.

The smell of hyacinths wafting in the breeze is the fragrance I associate the most with early spring. It is so rich and overpowering that I have previously refrained from buying a pot of hyacinths to put on the kitchen table. Maybe I’ll take the risk this year. If the wonderful smell gets too strong being contained in one room I’ll simply move it around the house.