Brookside Gardens Turtles

Back in mid-March we had some very warm days here in Maryland and the turtles were very active in the pond at Brookside Gardens. Some of them still had a layer of mud on their shell from being buried in the silt. One hauled herself out onto the rocky shore and surveyed the scene. Have you ever noticed that turtles have no chin and that their eyes protrude? It gives them an ancient look.

This turtle was one of the larger turtles in the pond and had an entourage following her as she swam near the surface. Was she climbing onto the shore for a few moments of solitude?

It was not to be. Soon there was another turtle headed for the same rock.

With great effort, he pulled himself out of the water.

Are they posing for a picture or sending us a message that they want us gone?

Do they look more annoyed here in profile - as they turned to get back in the water?

They slipped back into the water and, presumably, continued their spring-time games.