Saturday Mornings at 10 AM

What are you normally doing at 10 AM on Saturday morning?

Are you sleeping in…getting children to a practice/lesson/event…shopping or running errands? Is it different every Saturday or pretty much consistent?

For years - I was putting away groceries. Saturday morning was my time for weekly grocery shopping. I always did it as early as I could along with the other errands of the week. Generally I was done and home right around 10 AM. It was a very regular rhythm.

Now - I do my grocery shopping on a weekday morning and avoid the Saturday shoppers. That leaves my Saturdays in the ‘different every week’ category. Sometimes there is a scheduled community event on Saturday. 10AM is about the earliest they start. There are some Fall Festivals coming up that I’d enjoy; I’ll have to put them on the calendar as I hear about them.

Taking a time check like this highlights how significantly my life has changed over the past months…and it’s all for the good! 

Gleanings of the Week Ending March 17, 2012

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles I read this past week:

Visualizing the Growing E-Waste Epidemic - a graphical view of the way we dispose of computers, cell phones, televisions, monitors, printers. Maybe we should change the scenario.

NASA Scientist: Will We Leave Our Children a “Climate System Spiraling Out of Control”? - (video)

Energy stats from Germany - In 2011, 40% of their nuclear power capacity was phased out….and they still remained a net power exporter!

Recent Generations Focus more on fame, money than giving back - Data collected from the American Freshman survey over the past 40 years on 9 million young adults…unexpected results.

Lenticular Cloud - A wonderful photograph

Air Pollution Could become China’s Biggest Health Threat - lung cancer and cardiovascular illnesses already rising

How Packaged Foods Makes Girls Hyper - Why is BPA still in our food chain (the resins that line cans of food, packaging, drink containers)?

‘Invisible Wires’ for Transporting Electricity on SolarWindows - How long will it be before this technology (or something equivalent) is ready for market…and then used in virtually all new windows?

The Secret Powers of Time - A Philip Zimbardo video

WolfQuest - a 3D wildlife simulation game that challenges players to learn about wolf ecology by living the life of a wild wolf in Yellowstone National Park