Fall Closet Cleanout

The change in seasons is an opportune time to clean out your clothes closet. While I get out a few warmer clothes that are good to layer for cool fall mornings, I take a look at every single garment that has been in the closet all summer and make a pile that will, one way another, leave the house. The key question

Will I ever wear this again?

Should be easy to answer.

If the answer is no - then it goes in the pile. Most of my pile goes into a bag to donate to charity. The key is to not store it away for another time. Once you have made the decision that it is not something you will wear again, follow through so that you won’t have to spend any more time revisiting the decision.

If the answer is yes - then make sure the garment is in good repair (no missing buttons, clean) and make the decision to keep it in the closet of the upcoming season or store it somewhere else so that it can be easily retrieved next spring.

Hopefully, by the time this process is finished, you’ll have plenty of room to get all your winter clothes into the closet!

Sewing Skills?

In the first years of my marriage, I economized by sewing most of my own clothes and making quite a few shirts for my husband as well. It was an activity that made sense economically and was also a useful hobby – something I did while my husband indulged his photography hobby by printing photos or watched football.

Fast forward over 30 years - It is not possible to save money through sewing whole garments. The fabric stores now run to crafts like quilting rather than dressmaking and there are not as many of them. Fabrics, patterns, and notions are expensive. The turning away from sewing happened rather suddenly for me when I required suits for work and became overwhelming busy with obligations that had a higher priority. I’ve only recently cleaned out the drawers of supplies – fabrics, buttons, zippers, bias table, and interfacing. I kept the thread although I doubt I will ever use much of it. The sewing machine is still stashed in a closet somewhere. If I ever move to another house, it may get donated before the move.

So – is there any value from that experience from years ago…something that should still be taught as a ‘life skill’ to children and grandchildren? Maybe – but I think it’s the parts that don’t require a sewing machine. All of them have to do with altering or mending clothes already made. A trip to the local cleaners could accomplish the same thing (with an associate cost) and would be more time consuming than simply doing the job yourself. So – here is my list of still-useful skills from my sewing days:


  • Putting in a hem. I’ve done this several times recently on pants that were slightly too long for me and on machined hems that have come out with one pull of a thread.
  • Sewing on a button that has come loose or off
  • Darning up a hole in a favorite sweater (that I can’t bear to throw away)
  • Patching a ripped knee or covering a logo with an iron on patch then embroidering around the edges


I avoid more extreme alterations by simply buying clothes that already fit since I’ve had the experience of alterations costing more than the dress!

Summer Wardrobe Planning

We’ve had a few warm days --- and I am looking through clothes to decide if I have what I need for summer. Have you done your summer wardrobe check yet?

Shoes. I quickly realize that the flip flops and sandals I bought near the end of the season last year are still in almost-new condition…so new shoes are not necessary.

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Capris/shorts. Last year I enjoyed capris more than shorts. There are more of them in the pile than I remember having…so no purchases needed.

Slacks/jeans. I don’t wear slacks and jeans much in the summer. I do have a pair of linen-like slacks that would be my top choice for summer wear; they should probably stay hanging in the closet year round. Maybe I’ll keep one pair of jeans out as well.

Skirts. I’ve been collecting more of them over the past few years. When it is really hot - they are always my favorite. There are enough skirts.

T-shirts. I have too many. Since I don’t wear them all the time, they tend to last a long time. Some of them are 20 years old! This year I need to focus on wearing T-shirts for working outdoors (with sunscreen to keep my arms and neck from burning) rather than just whatever top I have on at the time.

Tops. I prefer cap or short sleeves to sleeveless and have been collecting some I really like over the past few years. I have some long sleeved big shirts to wear over everything if I’m going to be out in the sun and/or wearing my photo-vest and need fabric between the vest and the back of my neck. Go anywhere tops may be the one area of my wardrobe that needs shoring up a bit for summer.

Swimsuit. It still fits and will work for the few times I need it this summer.

Overall I am in reasonably good shape for summer except for tops. I’m going to make some stops at the local thrift store between now and when it gets really hot!

Shopping Thrift Stores - Rules of Thumb

The offerings of thrift stores range from trash to fabulous bargains; I’ve been in several recently where the range was toward the ‘fabulous bargains’ end of the spectrum so I am offering some rules of thumb for getting the most from thrift store shopping.


  • Find a thrift store that is near middle to upper income bracket neighborhoods. If the store has a donation center, the quality of the offerings will reflect what has been donated. Some stores are focused almost exclusively on clothes; some or more toward the antique furniture end of the spectrum; others seem to have only very worn out clothes (this is a store that should be marked off your list unless you are looking for clothes for painting!).
  • Know the general price range of new items so you’ll recognize a bargain - or something overpriced.
  • Some thrift stores have half-price or sale days. Try to go on those days but realize it will likely be more crowded.
  • Clothes
    • Be prepared to go several times if you are building up your wardrobe. Offerings in thrift stores usually turn over pretty rapidly. Sometimes you may find nothing at all.
    • Be able to decide quickly what is truly useful to you. A bargain on a formal gown is wonderful only if it is something you will actually wear. A basic wardrobe strategy makes it easier to make quick decisions (like - black is my basic color, red and turquoise are my highlight colors, everything needs to match into this scheme)
    • Check for care labels on clothes. Many times a new looking item is ‘dry clean only’ and that will add to its cost to you over the long haul.
    • Check buttons, zippers, seams. Hold it up and look for stains or snags. You don’t want to get home and discover the garment is not wearable because of a flaw you didn’t notice.
    • Try on clothes if there is a dressing room. Remember that sizes vary widely and clothes do stretch if they have been hanging in a closet for a long time.
    • Launder all clothes purchased before you wear them.
  • Jewelry
    • Clean/soak in alcohol any jewelry you buy at a thrift store.
  • Household items
    • Wash dishes, glasses, or pans in hot soapy water before using.
    • Be open to re-purpose items. You may buy a bargain picture in a large frame for the frame alone. An old beat up pan may turn into a pot for seedlings.
    • Transporting furniture or exercise equipment may be a challenge so plan ahead if you are buying. It may take ongoing trips to the thrift store to find an acceptable piece or it may be serendipity.


Feel good about shopping at a thrift store. You are usually 1) contributing to a good cause, 2) reusing (rather than buying something new) is a good thing for the environment, and 3) you get something you need for a bargain price.

Packing your ‘Look’ for a Road Trip

Now that I have returned from an extended road trip - I have some notes about what worked well for me. It is easy to expand to taking the ‘kitchen sink’ when you have a whole car to hold it. Here are my top 10 notes about how to pack items that sustain your ‘look’ on a road trip:


  1. Pack in several small suitcases or tote bags rather than having all clothes in one large suitcase.
  2. Know what you will do with clothes after you have worn them. A laundry bag in the trunk (or multiple laundry bags pushed to the very back) can work quite well.
  3. Pick your main three colors so mix and match is possible. In my case - I always go with black, red, and turquoise….with black being the color for most of my slacks/pants/jeans.
  4. Choose layers sufficient for the coldest place you will be. In December, it was not ‘hot’ anywhere I went so the layering in addition to my regular indoor clothing included fleece/sweatshirt and a coat with gloves in the pocket!
  5. Pack shoes in their own bag (best if the bag is unique and recognizable for each; plastic bags from stores work well). These bags can be tucked into a small space in the trunk or even partially under a seat.
  6. For items that need to be on a hanger, I prefer to lay them on top of the items in the trunk. Hanging them in the car often reduces visibility…not good while on a road trip.
  7. For cosmetics, I generally round up on a road trip. This might be a reaction to the rounding down when traveling by plane (and not checking luggage). At least I use multiple ziplocks so it is easy to get out just the items I need. If you are going to be a guest in someone’s home and sharing a bathroom, it is often a good idea to take a tray or bowl to keep you toiletries contained and easily transported back to the guest room rather than packing them back into the suitcase each day.
  8. A small suitcase for toiletries, underwear, socks and one/two days of clothes worked well for me so I could leave the bulk off my clothes in the trunk while I was actually in transit.
  9. Plan to do laundry for road trips of more than 10 days.
  10. Find a small container for jewelry that has a good lid and is just big enough for what you want to take. My favorite is a heart shaped tin that I got as a valentine’s present several years ago. It is just the right size for earrings and rings. Bracelets can often fend for themselves in the suitcase.