Around our (Maryland) Yard in June

We have had some hot days and then some rains. Everything is very green so the day lilies are conspicuous with their golden color. They are doing much better this year and last year when the deer nibbled them to the ground.




The dahlia bulbs I planted in the spring are up but not blooming yet. The blazing stars are still just green too. Both will provide some color after the day lilies are done for the year.





The mint is back and looking robust enough that I’ll start trimming it to add to iced tea.





The hydrangea next to the house has a lot of potential blooms. They’ll probably be a profusion of pink by the end of June.





As I walked around I noticed some delicate mushrooms in the newly mowed grass. They must have sprung up since the mowing.   

And finally - the maple is settled into its summer state - lots of green leaves. Some are old enough to already have evidence of munching by insects!

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