Brookside Gardens on Feb. 1

It was a sunny, spring-like day in Montgomery County, Maryland - a perfect day for a walk around Brookside Gardens. Crews were out trimming trees and taking the holiday lights off bushes and trees. The beds of bulbs were covered with nets to keep the squirrels at bay. Enjoy the photos from my walk. I’ll share photos from the conservatory tomorrow.

Lacy and wonderful even after exposure to the winter cold. This kale actually looks better now than it did earlier in the season.










The only tree blooming profusely....doesn't this scream 'spring time'?








I've been taking pictures of this shelf fungus growing on a stump since last fall. I love the green in it.







Soon there will be loads of daffodils but there are only a few this early. These were in a sunny but protected bed along one of the forest paths.






Brilliant colors...before the leaves appear.










Like the kale - the nandinas have been through the winter and still look beautiful.