Recipe of the Week: Baked Apples

Apples are in season again…..and there are so many ways to enjoy them. One of my favorite and simplest recipes is for baked apples:

Cut apple into chunks and place in a microwavable dish. (The apple - at the left - I chose for my treat was a Ginger Gold.)

Microwave for 1 minute.

Sprinkle with cinnamon. Add some butter. Decide if the apples need extra sweetening; if so drizzle with molasses or honey. (I used cinnamon, ginger, butter and honey on mine - at the right.)

Microwave for 1 minute.

Stir the apples. They may already be soft enough to eat. I tend to want my baked apples to be hot and just beginning to soften - not turned to mush.

This works very well for one serving. If you are making baked apples for a crowd - use a conventional oven, a larger baking dish, put all the ingredients in the pan at the beginning. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until the softness you prefer.

Some other apple recipes I’ve posted are:

Sautéed apples as a pancake topping

Apple Crisp