Model Train Displays in Gardens

Model trains are a popular display in garden conservatories at Christmas time. I've visited two recently: The US Botanic Garden in Washington DC and Brookside Gardens in Maryland.

The display at the US Botanic Garden is supplemented with magical habitats (castles and fairy houses) and models of well known buildings like Thomas Jefferson's Monticello and George Washington's Mount Vernon. There are traditional looking trains, Thomas engines and small cars that buzz very rapidly around their tracks.

2011 12 US Botanical Garden trains.jpg

The display at Brookside looks more traditional at first glance. Then little items like a yoda watching the train (upper right image below) begin to be noticed. There is a model of the Brookside conservatory included in the exhibit and it has a tiny model train running in a loop inside.

2011 12 Brookside trains.jpg

Trains among the foliage of a lush and warm conservatory is very appealing on a cold December day. Visiting one is a great December tradition to sustain or begin!

Brookside Gardens (Maryland) in December

Brookside Gardens has their seasonal 'Garden of Lights' happening in the evenings but I went during the day for a winter walk. With the early winter foliage and the intricacies of the lighting displays, there was plenty to see. The bulbs for next spring have been planted under netting but there was a squirrel that escaped with at least one bulb while I was there.




The sea monster/dragon (with a smaller one by its side) looks a lot less fierce in the daytime than it does at night. It fits well in the drained pool in the garden near the conservatory.



The lights used to make this flower were very densely packed....quite a bright glow along the pathway through the gardens.

Gleanings of the Week Ending November 26, 2011

The items below were the cream of the articles I read this past week:

Wild Turkey Facts – did you know that sonic booms can cause domesticated turkey to have fatal heart attacks?

National Parks Conservation Association report on the Chesapeake Bay – the bay will never be as it was when John Smith arrived…but there are things that can and should be done to help the bay recover rather than declining further

Baltimore’s can-do approach to food deserts – it can be very difficult/expensive to find healthful food inner city neighborhoods. Baltimore is trying to improve that situation.

Whale Fossils in the Atacama Desert – there are a lot of them and the research is just beginning

Mars Sand Dunes in Motion – the red planet dunes are not as static as once thought

Paper gems (template included) – hum…maybe this is a use for odd bits of wrapping paper? I’ve already printed off the template to give it a try!

Changes In Ancient Humans’ Diet Made Wisdom Teeth Obsolete – I am a person who did have all 4 wisdom teeth removed before I was 20. It is interesting to have this explanation but it may not be the only reason wisdom teeth need to be extracted.

Know your Sharks Gallery – Fascinating creatures that are getting a lot of attention from National Geographic right now

Makeup tips for aging faces – Some of these tips I had derived on my own some now…and every little bit helps!