Everyday Creative: Creating a Stand Up Platform for a Laptop

I tend to spend too much time in front of my computer. A while back I started using a Swopper as the chair at my desk so I get a little exercise while I am reading items on the machine (bouncing, moving back and forth). 

I tend to get tired of the same repetitive motion and it is, after all, still sitting. So - it was time for an experiment.

Since I was not sure how well I would like a stand up work environment, I started thinking about what I could do that would cost nothing - at least initially. What I developed is pictured below.

 I already had enough surface area on my L shaped computer table and 2 plastic egg crates that happened to be empty in my basement. I turned the egg crates upside down. The laptop goes on one and the mouse goes on the other. The spaces in the bottom of the egg crate are large enough to allow plenty of good air circulation for the laptop however I decided to put a label box under my mouse pad. The configuration is the right height for me! I've used it for about 4 hours throughout the day and it works well.

Had it been too low - I could have used some other label boxes or books under the egg crate the laptop was on. The space under the egg crates is great for the power cords or the quick references I need for whatever I am doing. There is a lip around the edge of the egg crate that keeps the laptop from sliding off.

Is this going to be my long term solution to a stand up platform for my laptop? I don't know. It certainly is good enough for awhile and if I do decide to buy something I'll know the exact height I need and that I really will use what I buy.