Gleanings of the Week Ending November 12, 2011

The items below were the cream of the articles from this past week!

  1. 25 Inspiring Pictures of Snow - beautiful!
  2. Castles in the Desert: Satellites Reveal Lost Cities of Libya - now if the country could become safe enough to find out more about them from the ground.
  3. 5 Foods Threatened by Climate Change - Arrgh! Chocolate is one of them!
  4. Cave Paintings Showed True Colors of Stone Age Horses - yes - there were spotted horses around at that time so the paintings are realistic rather than symbolic
  5. Nature Notes: The Black Oaks Of Yosemite National Park, The Video - great visual about how the Indians processed the acorns for food
  6. Impact of Space Weather - now that we are more dependent on satellites (for things like GPS), maybe we should be paying more attention 
  7. New System of Intelligent Management of Street Lighting Enables 80% Savings in Energy - makes sense to only power lights when you need them, just like at home
  8. Condors in Grand Canyon – 3 chicks - one has already died but the other two seem to be thriving; bit about trash being a potential threat quite depressing
  9. Why we need public libraries is the future - for a subset of the reasons we need them today but very real and long term (it's not about books)